Watch This Amazing Video on How to Make Presentation Presented by RUSSAL STANNARD

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Screan Caputer

Sreen caputer is  a tool that helps you to record your lesson and send the link  to your students to watch the lesson. There are some free softwares that provide you this service. One of these softwares is Jing.

This video shows you how to use Jing

Why is it good for language learning?
It can be used for feedback to correct their work.
Using visuals and arrows. students can listen and watch.
Clarity; it can be used to explain specific information( feedback)
It provides authentic materials

How can it be used in language classes?

students can use it to correct each other mistakes
students can use it make presentations
students can use it to practise their speaking like describing a picture, a movie and  on a sreen
Students can use as a storytelling. They might tell a story using mixbook, bubbler, bookur.
I think it can be used in many ways to help students practise their speaking
Students may use it to practise some grammatical structures and vocabulary. Forexample, they make sentences and then write them on the screen and explain why they used special structures.
Film dubbing. Students can show a film without sound and they work in pairs to take roles and record themselves
Record discussion
peer correction
Present a process
providing students with bad made model of writing and ask them to use caputer screen to correct it
Explaining and evaluation web tools. This can help to improve students' autonomy.
Reading and grammar activity
Students can use it to debate and discuss an argument
It can be used as scaffolding

Its limitations
There is a problem of compration. You have to compress your feedback
Teachers may offer too much feedback that might confuse the students
It can be teacher-centred learning

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