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Friday 11 February 2011

Education and technology

Learners can have access to any materials. Also, learners can listen to an English story while watching 3 dimentional play just in front of
Farah & Leah at 1:23 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Maria - Costas at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Technology helps language learners develop more efficient learning strategies.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Ss are more exposed to authentic language environment.
Vanessa and Ray at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Less teamwork
Carina at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Development of technology awareness and skills becomes available through language learning
Maria - Costas at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
overload psycho- cognitive processes- might be too much
Asami&Tanya at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
If technology reaches the level of AI, maybe we won't have to learn any foreign languages anymore. For example, we can talk in any language
SAM & JING JING at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Students are exposed to 'real-life' materials
Eddie & Cherry at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Multi-tasking might not be appropriate for variable learning styles. The beginning of another digital gap?
George at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
too much overloaded input will add pressure on students' mind which distract students' selection of the valuable information
jessie&jenny at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Before engaging students into this tpe of learning, students have to be motivated enough to do this kind of learning outside of class.
Jill & Sarah at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It makes second language learning process really interesting and learners are highly motivated.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
technology can triger students' motivation
technolgy can triger students' motivation at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
harmful to physical heath eg. eyes, muscle
Carina at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
They can learn anywhere,not restricted to classroom
Eddie & Cherry at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Technology can build up students' autonomy in learning.
Vanessa and Ray at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Danger of adapting lesson to technologies than the other way round.
Maria - Costas at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
However, it does help Chinese speaking students to be more exposed to authentic materials.
Jill & Sarah at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
There might be the danger of how to utilise all this knowledge.
George at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
will enhance interdisciplinary studies
Asami&Tanya at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
really learner-centered language teaching
Jessie&.Echo at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It enables students to communicate in English within the whole world.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Secondly, the edu is mostly test-oriented so spending time on the Internet and computers can regarded as a waste of time.
Jill & Sarah at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
No more boring lessons!!
Maria - Costas at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
handouts and coursebooks may no longer be used
jessie&jenny at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Less face-to-face communication
Joyce and Angela at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Make the learning process more motivating
Eddie & Cherry at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning and teaching are not any more restricted only in classroom. Students can access knowledge which is available on portable devices
Vanessa and Ray at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It really depends on each context. Take China and Taiwan for example. First, there might not be enough divices in education environment.
Jill & Sarah at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Broadens the field of opportunities for language learning and its applications
Maria - Costas at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
students may rely on the technologies too much
jessie&jenny at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
We think it will be the basis and drive for changing pedagogical approaches and sprucing them up!
SAM & JING JING at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
easier access to other learner or teaching communities
Joyce and Angela at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It can motivate the students by offering the update information.
Jessie&.Echo at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
negtive: distract the students
Carina at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning for multiple intelligences applies to learners' different styles
Maria - Costas at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
There might not be traditional classrooms anymore as anyone would have access in the resources any time.
George at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
No text books are needed
Farah & Leah at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
May increase divide between haves and have nots
Mustafa & Jo at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
enrich the learning style
Carina at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Much greater potential for a 'connected classroom' ie the learning doesn't stop at the classroom door
Mustafa & Jo at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Modernizing language learning (up-to date)
Joyce and Angela at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
offer more or less equal opportunities for education
Asami&Tanya at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
achieve distance language teaching or on-line learning
jessie&jenny at 1:16 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It can be free life-long learning
Joyce and Angela at 1:16 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning might not take any in any one place
Russell at 1:15 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning will be more autonomous
Mustafa & Jo at 1:15 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via transcript | projectorTalk.

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