Watch This Amazing Video on How to Make Presentation Presented by RUSSAL STANNARD

Monday 28 February 2011

Make bollywood movie

<a href= title=buzz marketing viral>agence de communication dans le sport</a>

Sunday 27 February 2011


World-English is a website that gives language students an opportunity to learn and practise their English. It offers a plenty of different exercises and tasks ranging from vocabulary and grammar to speaking, listening and writing. The great thing about this site is to put students in access with English native speakers or teachers to practise their English or writing. This site provides links to other English sources, the cultures and history of English speaking countries and literature based language.

Why is it good for language classes?
  • It helps to improve students language skills.
  • Students can practise their speaking and writing by getting in touch with English people.
  • In each  grammar exercise there are a section for explaing the  rules of that grammar point.
  • Tasks and activities are provided in an accessible and interesting way which can stimulate students to learn more about English.
  • It offers tasks and activity for students' with different language levels.
  • It is motivating
  • Students can access other useful links to learn English such as culture and history of English, friends around the world, quizzes and activities and sound and vision.
  • It can make students autonomous.
How can it be used in the class?

It coild be utilized in many way in language teaching contexts. Some of these uses are as follow:

After finishing a lesson about one of the grammatical  rules, for example, a teacher can ask the students to go to this website and click on the category of  grammar exercise and test. Then answer the question related to their lesson. It is useful if the students work in pairs and share their understanding of the rule.

Students can use it to practise their listening. The teacher can ask the students to listen to one of the       . After listening, students can discuss what they understand from the listening activity.
At the end of the term, students might go to online assessment tests and check their  English progress.
Students could also used at home to learn new vocabulary or to develop their reading skills.

The answers are already provided which may make students less motivated. This could lead students to be passive and just depend on these answers.
Some categories of speaking part  are not free.
I think not all categories are easy to navegate.

Monday 14 February 2011

Tutpup is a fantastic site that helps learners to develop their English spelling. It has five  categories which range from easy to more difficult tasks. This site requires learners to spell the words that  they listen in just one minute. The amazing thing about it is to connect you with an opponent from another country and to put you in a competition. I found it very interesting and I could not stop playing it.

It has great benefits for language learning. It helps foster learners' spelling and listening skills. You can learns new vocabulary and what is important is that it put you in a real competition which can make learning irresistible . It assists learners to be autonomous because they can practice it at home

However, Tutpup has some limitations which may not lead to language learning. There are quite difficult words which may affect learners' motivation and make them bored. As a result learners could stop doing it again. Moreover, the answers to the questions are provided at the bottom of the page which may not show  the real levels of earners' proficiency .

Saturday 12 February 2011


Audioboo  is a great site that you can use to record your talk or listen to any podcast.

Why is it good for language learning?
It provides access to a  large amount of authentic input.
It offers access to teaching materials.
It is easy to access and subscribe.
It is easy to use any where and any time.
It fosters listening, speaking and increase learners' vocabulary stock
Students can learn new vocabulary.
It can be used as a self-study material.
It creates real syndication.
It can be downloaded in MP3 or iTunes.
It provides evidence of learner's learning development

How can it be used in the class?
Students can listen to a podcast and then record themselves when they discuss this podcast. They also can record themselves while reading.

Its limitation
There is no social context for learning to occur and interaction to take place.
It just provides five minute podcast.
 It requires a membership. Its user has to register and have an account

Friday 11 February 2011

Education and technology

Learners can have access to any materials. Also, learners can listen to an English story while watching 3 dimentional play just in front of
Farah & Leah at 1:23 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Maria - Costas at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Technology helps language learners develop more efficient learning strategies.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Ss are more exposed to authentic language environment.
Vanessa and Ray at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Less teamwork
Carina at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Development of technology awareness and skills becomes available through language learning
Maria - Costas at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
overload psycho- cognitive processes- might be too much
Asami&Tanya at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
If technology reaches the level of AI, maybe we won't have to learn any foreign languages anymore. For example, we can talk in any language
SAM & JING JING at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Students are exposed to 'real-life' materials
Eddie & Cherry at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Multi-tasking might not be appropriate for variable learning styles. The beginning of another digital gap?
George at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
too much overloaded input will add pressure on students' mind which distract students' selection of the valuable information
jessie&jenny at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Before engaging students into this tpe of learning, students have to be motivated enough to do this kind of learning outside of class.
Jill & Sarah at 1:22 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It makes second language learning process really interesting and learners are highly motivated.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
technology can triger students' motivation
technolgy can triger students' motivation at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
harmful to physical heath eg. eyes, muscle
Carina at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
They can learn anywhere,not restricted to classroom
Eddie & Cherry at 1:21 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Technology can build up students' autonomy in learning.
Vanessa and Ray at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Danger of adapting lesson to technologies than the other way round.
Maria - Costas at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
However, it does help Chinese speaking students to be more exposed to authentic materials.
Jill & Sarah at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
There might be the danger of how to utilise all this knowledge.
George at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
will enhance interdisciplinary studies
Asami&Tanya at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
really learner-centered language teaching
Jessie&.Echo at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It enables students to communicate in English within the whole world.
Tiantian&Doreen at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Secondly, the edu is mostly test-oriented so spending time on the Internet and computers can regarded as a waste of time.
Jill & Sarah at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
No more boring lessons!!
Maria - Costas at 1:20 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
handouts and coursebooks may no longer be used
jessie&jenny at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Less face-to-face communication
Joyce and Angela at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Make the learning process more motivating
Eddie & Cherry at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning and teaching are not any more restricted only in classroom. Students can access knowledge which is available on portable devices
Vanessa and Ray at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It really depends on each context. Take China and Taiwan for example. First, there might not be enough divices in education environment.
Jill & Sarah at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Broadens the field of opportunities for language learning and its applications
Maria - Costas at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
students may rely on the technologies too much
jessie&jenny at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
We think it will be the basis and drive for changing pedagogical approaches and sprucing them up!
SAM & JING JING at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
easier access to other learner or teaching communities
Joyce and Angela at 1:19 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It can motivate the students by offering the update information.
Jessie&.Echo at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
negtive: distract the students
Carina at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning for multiple intelligences applies to learners' different styles
Maria - Costas at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
There might not be traditional classrooms anymore as anyone would have access in the resources any time.
George at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
No text books are needed
Farah & Leah at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
May increase divide between haves and have nots
Mustafa & Jo at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
enrich the learning style
Carina at 1:18 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Much greater potential for a 'connected classroom' ie the learning doesn't stop at the classroom door
Mustafa & Jo at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Modernizing language learning (up-to date)
Joyce and Angela at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
offer more or less equal opportunities for education
Asami&Tanya at 1:17 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
achieve distance language teaching or on-line learning
jessie&jenny at 1:16 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
It can be free life-long learning
Joyce and Angela at 1:16 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning might not take any in any one place
Russell at 1:15 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via web
Learning will be more autonomous
Mustafa & Jo at 1:15 PM, 11 Feb 2011 via transcript | projectorTalk.

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MA students' opnion on the role of tech in ELT

Wordle: Untitled

Thursday 10 February 2011

Mailvu, Presentation, Speaking activity

  Mailvu enable you to make a video recording of  yourself  by using your web cam and  you send it to whoever you want.It a way of doing video messaging. It is a good tool to be used in language classrooms.

Why is it good for language learning?

  • teachers can use it to record their notes that provide extra support for the students.
  • students can use it to practice presentations.
  • teachers can use it to give feedback.
  • it makes students motivated
  • It is free
  • Students can use it at home
  • It can be used as speaking activity
  • It is a simple way to get students speaking at home.
  • It is a fantastic way of encouraging students to interact and communicate by doing interviews with each other.

How it can be used in the class?

 It can be used in the classroom in many ways . The teacher may get students doing interview or create dialogues and record themselves. It can be used at home as a connection of class activity.  For example,  after teaching students how to talk about a their hobbies, their typical day or the most interesting holiday they had, teacher ask students to record themselves at home and send the recording to s/he.

its limitations
You can not embed mailvu.
It needs the Internet, web cam and microphone.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Vocaroo  is an easy device that can be used to record your voice. You just need to click on the recoding button. you can listen to your voice and  if you are happy with the recording, you can either send it to whoever you want by email or post it on the  Internet.

It is good for language classes for a number of reasons:
It is easy to use and it just needs Internet connection.
Teacher can use it to give students instructions or listen to their talk and give them feedback.
Student can use it to practise their speech and pronunciation.
It can connect listening, speaking and reading.
It can be used to connect class to home

How can it be used in language classes?
It might be used as  home work.  After discussion  interesting topics  in the class such as students' favorite hobbies, describing their families or  which country they want to visit and why, The teacher ask them to record their talk about  one of these  topics and send it to s/he. It  is also suitable for classroom. Students can record themselves when they  discuss something in the class or when they create dialogues and interviews. They may record themselves during reading a poem, a novel.

It is not strictly podcast because it is not syndicated.
You can not make videos. It is just audio tool

Saturday 5 February 2011


A WebQuest is a task-based learning model. While engaging in the task, learners are required to search the web to think and get information related to specific task.In the webquests Teachers can find materials that mmeet their needs and they can also create their own webquests. One of the online authoring and hosting systems for WebQuests is QuestGarden site. This site provides its members with ready made materials that created by other teachers. These materials can be amended to suit members' context. Those members can make their own webquet as well.

Off to Oz is an example of WebQuest.

What is Off to OZ?
 This is an incredible Web Quest which introduces students to an English speaking country (Australia).  Students need to use English to search Internet to collect as much information as possible on this country such as the culture, life style and location.         
Why is it good for language classrooms?                                                                                                     
The topic is very interesting and enjoyable which can motivate students to do the task.
 Language used as a tool to explore other cultures and customs.                                 
It is an easy topic for students to talk about.                                                            
It engages students in interactive and collaborative work.                                        
It develops students' synthetic skills.  
It fosters the four skills. Students read about the topic, discuss it in groups, and listen to
What their peers say and write an essay about this subject.                                     

 How can it be used in the class?
This kind of web Quests can be used properly with pre-intermediate or intermediate students. First, Teachers need to familiarise their students with this site and how they can use it. Then, they can group the students into pairs and ask them to search the web to collect information about the task. After finishing the task, students are required to present their answers to the class and discuss from which site they found their answers.      

  Its limitations:  
    The questions are not clear and ambiguous.
   The task is very broad. There is so much information for students to cover.
  It is overloaded. Students have to talk about the Australian culture, other cultures   
 and their own culture. This makes them feel bored and less interested in the activity.
 It may not work properly with large classes.
 It needs much time for students to get information and present it to the class.