Watch This Amazing Video on How to Make Presentation Presented by RUSSAL STANNARD

Sunday 30 January 2011

Learning Pronunciation

What is it?
This video is presented by an English native speaker to show how the sound /i/ is exactly pronounced. It is presented in a friendly way.

Why is it good for language learning?
It represents an authentic material produced by a native speaker.
The lesson is presented in a friendly and comfortable way which encourages learners to watch and listen more.
There is a use of paralinguistic language presented by the movement of the presenter's mouth and tongue. This helps the learners see what exact movement they have to do to produce this sound.
Students can use it at home as a kind of drills or practices.
It is very useful for beginners to develop their pronunciation of English words.
Since it can be used at home, it serves to increase the level of autonomy and self- study among learners.

How it is used?
The teacher can give the students sheets having words with the sound /i/ as in meet, eat and tea. Then he asks them to  pronounce these words in groups. After that, he asks each group to say a word from the list. After this activity, he can introduce this video and then tells the students to listen carefully. In order to support students' acquisition of this sound, the teacher, after watching the video, may write three or four sentences containing words with the sound /i/ on the board. Then, he pronunces the sentences and tells his students to practise them in groups.

Its limitation
The only limitations that can I think of is that the lesson is based on a teacher-centred learning and  there is no  students' engagiment.  Learners just receive  the knowledge and there is no  interaction  between  the teacher and learners and between learners themselves.

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